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The mental health hub for your company!

We support you in promoting mental health in your company - scientifically sound, anonymously and effectively. From analysis to implementation, you will receive everything you need to protect and strengthen the mental health of your employees.
Mentalport: The holistic solution for better mental health in the workplace. The screenshot shows the dashboard of the management app, which companies can use to monitor and promote the health of their employees, as well as the mobile app for employees to use individually.Young woman smiling because mentalport maximized her well-being and she uses the mentalport mental health app. She is working on psychosocial risk assessment measures. The app is part of the Mental Health Management Hub

Secure 15% spring discount now

Get a 15% spring discount for the first six months on a management subscription for your company. You will receive a coupon code that you can use in our management app. Valid for a short time only.
Gratis Health Check zur Risikoeinschätzung | Mental Health App | Mental Health Management
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Strengthening employee loyalty - with mental health promotion

301 Days lost due to mental illness per 100 employees lead to more than €9,000 in annual costs per employee.
DAK Psychreport 2023 & Deloitte Mental Health Report 2022
5x ROI:
‍Every euro that companies invest in the mental health of their workforce pays for itself at least five times over.
Deloitte Mental Health Report 2022
80% more attractive for new talent are companies that actively look after the mental health of their employees.
LinkedIn 2021
46% of employees suffer from a mental health problem.
Bolten & Bhugra 2020 & Health Report 2022
mentalport offers comprehensive, scalable and cost-effective solutions for a sustainable improvement of mental health in the company, while maintaining the anonymity of each employee 100%.

mentalport makes mental health manageable.
Pfeildarstellung in hell-lila

Manage mental health holistically

We are your partner, from analysing and implementing to anchoring in the workforce. For small and large teams.
Screenshot of the mentalport app: Individual evaluation of occupational health and safety measures following the psychological risk assessment. Employees can make personal statements on various working conditions and thus contribute to improving the working environment. The company health score in the background provides an overview of the general state of mental health in the company.
Psychosocial risk assessment
We identify psychological risk factors in your company and implement targeted measures for your employees.
  • Legally compliant
  • Automated
  • Cost-efficient
Personal wellbeing journey with mentalport: The app offers mood tracking and coaching tools to improve mental health.
EAP: Employee coaching as an innovative app solution
We offer your employees 24/7 access to their own personal mental health coach.
  • Scientifical
  • Personalised
  • Everyday applicable
Screenshot of the action planner in the mentalport management app: overview of recommended, active and completed measures to promote mental health in the company. The planner offers a variety of workshops and tools to increase the well-being of employees and create a positive working environment.
Mental health management platform
Thanks to data-based insights, we help you to establish sustainable solutions in your company and firmly integrate mental health into your culture.
  • Hands-on
  • Anonymous
  • At the touch of a button

We are trusted

Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of mentalport reference customer Istari.AI
Logo of mentalport reference customer arconsis
Logo of mentalport reference customer Steigwert
Logo of mentalport reference customer QIT Systeme
Logo of mentalport reference customer Visual Abstract
Logo of mentalport reference customer DigaInfo
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.
Logo of 5-HT Lab that trust into mentalport.

Do you want to promote mental health in your company?

Let's solve your challenges together. Book a non-binding consultation appointment now and find out what customised solutions mentalport has in store for your company:
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Or receive your company health audit now, free of charge and without obligation!

Register now.
The Mental Health Management Hub

Mental Health as pleasure

Screenshot of the health measures within the mentalport app according to the psychosocial risk assessment. In the front a screenshot of a mentalport survey for the psychosocial risk assessment.

Psychosocial Risk Assessment

Focus on legal certainty: complete mental health risk assessment carried out digitally and anonymously on our web platform, including GDA-compliant documentation and occupational health and safety measures.

Scientifically sound procedure and full legal certainty according to 89/391 EEC & § 618 BGB with our plug & play solution - mental health has never been easier.

Automatic integration of health measures on employee-level in the mentalport app. Additional employer-level-measures without high personnel costs: 90% cheaper and 15 times faster than standard market offers.
Learn more

Mental Health Management

We are the mental health manager for your company and have your back. In addition to booking the mentalport app and managing the PRA, we have aeven broader management-approach.

Receive valuable anonymous analyses, insights into the systems of your organization and manage mental health through targeted measures.

Ue suggestions for improving your organization implemented via the mentalport app or use our revolutionary Team Resource Management, to achieve aviation-level performance - with everything that modern companies need.
More on the web app
A screenshot of the mentalport web app for HR managers zo apply mental health management to stremghten employee retention.
In the back there is a screenshot of the homepage of the mentalport app while in the front we see another screenshot with the to dos for today.

Mobile App Coaching

Revolutionary coaching app with a systemic approach for employees: 100% AI & biofeedback individualization.

Health measures area for individualized processing of stressors at employee level.

Support from certified human coaches via chat and 1:1 sessions.

We are the low-threshold, everyday applicable solution: 100% anonymous and GDPR-compliant and actually used by employees.
More on the app
where mentalport helps

Head start in a world where mental health is crucial.

Legal certainty

Companies face legal challenges in dealing with mental health in the workplace. mentalport offers legal security within the framework of the duty of care according to §618 BGB and psychosocial risk assessment according to §§5,6 ArbSchG (in Germany).

The respective law mayvary in your country as the EU law 89/391 EEC is legally binding for all EU-members.

Economic efficiency

Promoting the mental health of employees is an economic gain. On average, every euro invested in the mental health of employees pays for itself fivefold. With mentalport's individualized measures, an ROI of 10 can even be achieved.

Healthier team

Employee absenteeism due to mental health problems is currently the third fastest growing reason for sick leave in Germany and can therefore seriously affect a company's success.

mentalport offers individual approaches to prevention and intervention in order to minimize absenteeism and increase productivity.


Anonymity plays a very important role for employees when it comes to mental health issues. Hardly anyone is prepared to discuss their mental health with an employee or even a manager.

With mentalport, employees can promote their mental health anonymously and individually and receive exactly the support they need.

Simplifying mental health

Whether for 10 or 10,000 employees, the automated mentalport solutions free those previously responsible from the complexity of mental health in the company and automatically guarantee optimal mental health management, including 100% legal certainty.

Interface to employees

With our unique coaching app, we offer companies the interface they need in times of New Work and skills shortages:

What previously seemed impossible is now a reality. By integrating coaching, AI and biofeedback, the mentalport app offers proactive support in the everyday life of each individual employee

- individually, effectively and anonymously, allowing us to implement (occupational health) measures on an individual level, anonymized and individualized by AI, and achieve unimagined effectiveness, insights and potential development.

Get the free health check

Say goodbye to complexity, high costs and time-consuming risk assessments and start now for free with psychosocial risk assessment & receive our Health Check for the individual mental health risk in your company free of charge.
Request demo
Free health check for risk assessment | Mental Health App | Mental Health Management

Well known from

Logo Rheinpfalz | Presse mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Mannheimer Morgen | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Product Hunt | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo HR Talk | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Handelsblatt| PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Sueddeutsche Zeitung | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Rheinpfalz | Presse Trendhunter | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Deutsche Startups | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Evosonic Radio | PR mentalport | Mentale Gesundheit & Betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement
Logo Persoblogger

Highly qualified mental health coaches

Our systemic coaches are tested to the highest quality standards, are trained psychologists and receive regular supervision and close support.
  • Checkbox: Mentale Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, mental health Management, Mitarbeiterbindung, betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Wohlbefinden.
    100+ certified coaches, psychologists and therapists in different languages
  • Checkbox: Mentale Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, mental health Management, Mitarbeiterbindung, betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Wohlbefinden.
    Experts for all topics, in all age groups and from all backgrounds
  • Checkbox: Mentale Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz, mental health Management, Mitarbeiterbindung, betriebliches Gesundheitsmanagement, Wohlbefinden.
    Coach matching & supporting coaches with innovative tools for an effective & efficient coaching experience
Mentalport App Coaching Showcase | Mental Health Management

Case studies

Person einen Turm baut, erfreut über die Mitarbeiterbindung durch mentalport. | person builds a tower, is pleased about employee loyalty through mentalport.

mentalport: Employee value at arconsis

arconsis IT-Solutions is a pioneer in the IT sector and attaches great importance to the satisfaction and well-being of its employees.

To further strengthen this commitment, arconsis decided to work with mentalport. Together, they went through a comprehensive risk assessment of mental stress and integrated the innovative mentalport app into their working environment.the result of this partnership? A noticeable improvement in employee engagement and increased loyalty to the company.

By proactively promoting mental health, stress and strain were reduced, resulting in a more productive and happier workforce. arconsis proves that employee wellbeing is a top priority and that investing in mental health can have a positive impact on the entire organization.
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Personen besprechen die mentalport Integration für mentale Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz. | People discuss mentalport integration for mental health in the workplace.

Visual Abstract: Employee well-being promoted by Mentalport

Visual Abstract, a visual communications company, recognized the challenges of modern work life that were negatively impacting the mental health of their employees. In their quest to ensure the well-being of their workforce, they turned to mentalport. After a thorough risk assessment of mental stress, the mentalport app was distributed to the team with anonymous access. Occupational health and safety measures were integrated into it. The results?

A noticeable increase in the well-being and satisfaction of their employees. The proactive support provided by the app helped reduce stress and build resilience, resulting in a healthier and more productive workforce. Visual Abstract shows that promoting mental health can be a major factor in business success.
See more
Eine Frau nutzt mentalport zur Steigerung ihrer Leistungsfähigkeit am Arbeitsplatz. | A woman uses mentalport to increase her performance at work.

Istari.AI: Teamwork & Personality Development with Mentalport

Istari.AI UG, an emerging artificial intelligence company, was looking for ways to strengthen teamwork and drive personal development for their employees. The solution? Partnering with mentalport. Together, they conducted a comprehensive mental stress risk assessment and the team integrated the mentalport app into their private routines.The result was a harmonious and engaged team that continuously works on their personal and professional development. The app enables employees to monitor and proactively improve their mental health, resulting in a positive impact for the entire company. Istari.AI shows that investing in mental health can be the key to unlocking employees' full potential and increasing the company's success.
See more

What do partners say about us?

The topic of mental health costs so much money, time and is insanely complex to implement properly by yourself: mentalport saves us a lot of problems and several thousand euros per employee.
COO VA Visual Abstract GmbH
Stars | Sterne
“As an HR manager, I can't believe how much time and effort the app saved us in maintaining mental stress assessments. “
Alex Ramirez
HR Manager
Stars | Sterne
“This app has become an indispensable tool in enhancing our company's overall health culture.”
Michael Chen
Employee Relations Manager
Stars | Sterne
“Mentalport has simplified our compliance tasks and transformed our approach to mental health support.”
Sophia Anderson
HR Director
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Mental health management with mentalport

Improve compliance and employee retention & health with one solution.

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What is mentalport and how can it help your company?
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How does the integration of mentalport into your company work?
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What are the benefits of using mentalport for your company?
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What data does mentalport collect and how is it protected?
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How long does it take to see the results of the risk assessment?
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How can we translate the results of the risk assessment into measures?
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Can we customize mentalport to meet our company's specific needs?
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Are there training opportunities for our HR teams and leaders to use mentalport effectively?
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