Strengthening employee loyalty - with mental health promotion
301 Days lost due to mental illness per 100 employees lead to more than €9,000 in annual costs per employee.
DAK Psychreport 2023 & Deloitte Mental Health Report 2022
5x ROI:
Every euro that companies invest in the mental health of their workforce pays for itself at least five times over.
Every euro that companies invest in the mental health of their workforce pays for itself at least five times over.
Deloitte Mental Health Report 2022
80% more attractive for new talent are companies that actively look after the mental health of their employees.
LinkedIn 2021
46% of employees suffer from a mental health problem.
Bolten & Bhugra 2020 & Health Report 2022
mentalport offers comprehensive, scalable and cost-effective solutions for a sustainable improvement of mental health in the company, while maintaining the anonymity of each employee 100%.
mentalport makes mental health manageable.
mentalport makes mental health manageable.