Unlocking Life's Secrets: A Child's Wisdom and the Fortune Cookie 🌟

Andrea Vosiková
Sep 2023

A few months ago, I went with my family to a cute vegan Vietnamese restaurant in my hometown. We got fortune cookies and mine carried a surprisingly deep question: "What is the purpose of life?"🥠

I asked this question my three-year-old nephew and his answer amazed me: "Singing and dancing." 🕺 🎙

His simple words touched my heart. 💖 They reminded me of the immense importance of finding joy and embracing the simplicity of life everyday. While I do sing and dance, I couldn't help but question if I did it as frequently as I truly should.

Life gets busy, and we forget to appreciate the little things—the warmth of the sun, the smile of a stranger, or singing along to our favorite songs. 🌻

The words of my nephew I carry with me every day, reminding myself to nurture my inner child, laugh more, and find happiness in the simplest of things. They inspire me to engage in activities just for the sake of joy, without worrying about whether they make sense or not.

What brings you pure joy? How can you reconnect with your inner child and make time for activities that make you feel alive? 🤸‍♂️

Yours, Andrea

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